The Hyper Island Methods


Team is everything! At Hyper Island I’ve learned the importance of developing effective teams. I work with teambuilding through implementing feedback methods, setting expectations and learning to deal with different personality types and the conflicts that can occur between them.


Great ideas come from great minds, especially if they work and play together. I’ve learned several exercises and workshop methods to get the creativity flowing and also how to narrow it down when the time is right. Sure, sometimes all you need is a long walk and some time alone to come up with an idea. But a lot of the time you’re working with a tight schedule, so my ability to organise creative processes is what I find one of my most valuable competences.


Although they might feel embarrassing at first, energisers help keep the energy up the whole day. After my year at Hyper Island I now have an extensive repertoire of ways to look like a complete fool in front of your peers. Energisers are quick and playful exercises to do when you feel low and they’re all about making the blood flow and releasing tensions.


What will the world look like in five years? Probably not a lot like today. To be able to keep up with the exponentially growing technologies, I’ve learned how to stay innovative both from a concepting perspective but also how organisations can develop a mindset around digital futures and stay in business for a long time.

self-leadershipSelf Leadership

I find it extremely important to be at peace with myself and know my goals and ambitions to be able to stay current and keep working in an effective way. This goes hand in hand with projects and my ability to reflect on the results and work processes. Pro-active thinking and acting is what it’s all about.

Have a peek at the Hyper Island Toolbox!

Or, you know, contact me and set up a date. I’d love to tell you more.